Home            About            Join            Information            For Coordinators            Your Local Mileage Club

Who Can Participate?
Any Iowa public, private or parochial school (grades K-6).

What is the Cost to run a Mileage Club?
There is no cost to the school.  The ISU Campus Community Partnership for Health (CCPH) is sponsoring the Mileage Club materials and incentives for participating schools.  A limited number of free Mileage Club kits are available for schools interested in piloting this fun program.

ISU-CCPH is working to help schools and communities promote physical activity in youth and have funding through a Harkin Community Wellness Grant to provide direct support to participating schools and communities.

What are the Incentives?
The basic Mileage Club program is designed to provide each student with a Toe Token for every five miles completed.  These are very popular among the students! Children get rewarded with tokens documenting their overall mileage and can earn prizes for achieving a designated goal distance (e.g. 25 miles).  It’s up to the school to provide other incentives (Examples include t-shirts or sporting goods).  Any additional incentives beyond the Mileage Club toe tokens are up to the discretion of the participating school’s administration and coordinator. 

How much classroom time is required?
Mileage Club does not require classroom time for implementation or training.  Recording of completed Mileage Cards and awarding of prizes will take a minimal amount of teacher and coordinator time but this could also be done through Physical Education.  Each teacher of the participating classrooms will record the student’s name and number of laps for three Mileage Club days each week.  The school will designate a Mileage Club Coordinator who will record the laps and number of students participating from each classroom each week. 

Does my entire school have to participate?
No.  We would like to have all classes in your school involved, but it is not mandatory.  Just a single class or grade level may participate.

What staffing is necessary to implement the Mileage Club?
Each school needs an enthusiastic Coordinator and individuals to mark the Mileage Cards as the students walk.  These individuals may be parents, grandparents, playground supervisors, teachers or even older students under adult supervision.
How do we get started?
Find an enthusiastic group or person to lead the program in your school.  Register your school to participate at www.IowaMileageClub.org.  ISU-CCPH will contact the coordinator and send materials including packets and instructions.  The coordinator will also receive guidance on using the website for tracking miles the students walk.

How long is the Mileage Club conducted?
A 6-week session, Monday, April 12 – Thursday, May 21, is scheduled for this spring.  If necessary, your program may be conducted during dates more conducive to your schedule, but a minimum of 6 weeks is required.  Please let us know of any date changes.   Please aim for a minimum of three Mileage Club days a week.

How do coordinators obtain incentive awards?
This year awards (toe tokens) are provided to the coordinator prior to the start of the program.   To receive the correct number of toe tokens, we will need an estimation of the number of classrooms and participating students.  Coordinators may request additional awards from Fitness Finders (www.fitnessfinders.net) via phone (517-750-1500), fax (750-4584) or e-mail: mileageclub@fitnessfinders.net.  

Where do I get more information on the Mileage Club?
Please Call or email the Iowa Mileage Club program manager Yolanda Coil with any questions regarding Iowa Mileage Club.
515-294-2953 (office phone)
yolandac@iastate.edu (email)

For more information on Feelin’ Good Mileage Club Materials, visit their website at www.fitnessfinders.net